We have already approached the way to get properly ready for a hurricane and, in a more specific manner, how to assemble a survival kit. These articles can help you to face in a better way the moment when the hurricane hits. However, besides having everything together, it is required...
Author: Campeao1
Hurricane season? Simple tips for you to assemble your survival kit
Simple tips for you to assemble your survival kit. Keeping yourself prepared for a hurricane can save you and your family from very turbulent moments. In the 4 simple steps to get yourself ready for a hurricane article, we spoke a bit about that. Now, we will deal specifically with a...
3 essencial things to know about hurricanes
[av_heading heading='3 essencial things that you need to know about hurricanes' tag='h3' style='' size='' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' padding='10' color='' custom_font=''][/av_heading] Hurricanes are one of the most feared natural events, and they are the outcome of a series of atmospheric and geographic factors. Almost every time a region is hit by such phenomenon,...
4 simple steps to get yourself ready for a hurricane
Being prepared for a possible hurricane or for other severe weather hazards can be easier than what you think. And it can help you or even save you from very complicated situations as well. This small article works as a simple guide, however, it can be very helpful to you....
How hurricane shutters help you get home insurance discount
As we have seen here, Hurricane Shutters can be vital for your home’s safety in case of a weather disaster. Solely that would already be a great reason for you to install it in your doors and windows, however, there are still a couple of more justifications for it, perhaps...
Hurricane Shutters Guide
Our first article serves as a general guide on Hurricane Shutters. We are going to address their types and the materials they are made of, besides showing how useful they can be to protect your home. Look also: How hurricane shutters help you get home insurance discount Accordion Shutters The Accordion...