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How hurricane shutters help you get home insurance discount

As we have seen here, Hurricane Shutters can be vital for your home’s safety in case of a weather disaster. Solely that would already be a great reason for you to install it in your doors and windows, however, there are still a couple of more justifications for it, perhaps one in particular: saving money.

The Hurricane Shutter and your home insurance

Annually, it costs $952 on average to have a home insurance in the United States, however, we, who live in Florida, pay the most expensive average of all in the country, which is of $1991. Therefore, looking for discounts and ways to decrease that value is rather common indeed. Habits such as staying with the same insurance company for long periods of time, or steadily searching in the market for the one that has the best cost-effectiveness correlation for you, are absolutely valid measures, but, in our State, one way to surely achieve a discount is through Hurricane Shutters.
Since 1993 the Florida State regulation, through the law F.S. 627.0629, has prompted insurance companies to offer discounts on homes which have Hurricane Shutters installed, as long as the proper inspections regarding the material used (in which place the certification is verified) and the installation itself (if it was carried out following your city’s norms).

How much can the discount be?

The discount rate may vary from one insurance company to another. At the beginning we can talk about discounts that surpass the 30% mark, but such percentage is not set, taking into consideration that there is not regulation about the value, as each company follows their own agreement clauses regarding market value and price policy. It is up to you, who are the best manager of your money, to call to your company and talk to your agent. Or, if you are looking for one, carry out a proper analysis concerning the items that come along with the offered services, and start to consider the discounts that insurance companies may offer you, by doing so you will find the one that better meets your needs.

What can one do to get the discount?

The first thing, and the most blatant one, is to hire a company that is knowledgeable in the installation of Hurricane Shutters, or, if you deem yourself as qualified, carry out the installation alone. Here you have a short guide on the main types which might be useful to you.

The second part is the inspection. Regarding this, an agent will inspect every window and door, and will analyze if they are up to the normal standard. Furthermore, he will demand a certificate of approval of your Hurricane Shutters system. That usually comes with the product, however, if you do it through a knowledgeable company, they will provide you all the necessary documents.

Lastly, you will be provided with an inspection form, which you should send to your insurance company or to your agent in order to see the discount applied.

Home insurances represent something that is almost mandatory in our budget, and we live in the State in which they are the country’s most expensive. Thus, we can regard every search for a discount as being actually an investment. Think about that.

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